Hello everyone, and welcome to my portfolio. Feel free to navigate through it. Here, I’ll show you how I can generate highly-valued solutions using data for multiple businesses.

Furthermore, you will find a few things about my educational background, professional experiences, and work tools. For those interested in physics and/or computational modelling, I'm also showing here some side projects I've recently worked on.

I hope you enjoy it!

If you want to be in touch, feel free to use the links at the bottom of the page.

My name is Pedro Grosman. I'm a computational physics graduate from Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF - Brazil) currently working as a freelance business analyst and also as a PhD candidate.

In my academic career, my main areas of interest include i) agent-based modelling applied to infectious disease outbreaks; ii) reliable communication in atmospheric links using quantum optics.

Over the last years working with research and development, a natural passion turned out - analyzing and communicating data. Due to this exciting task of getting, from data, key answers for a variety of problems, I decided to dive even deeper into what I could do using data. In a nutshell, that is how I met data science and business intelligence.

Now, I'm looking for a full-time position as a data scientist/analyst to empower decision-making processes through intelligent data-driven solutions.

In my journey facing different kinds of problems, I needed to learn new tools that were better fitted in a particular case. Some of them are C/C++, Fortran, and Python.

When it comes to dealing with data, my preferred tools are those:

Programming Languages & Databases

  • Python for data analysis
  • Webscraping with Python
  • SQL for data extraction
  • Postgres and MySQL databases

Machine Learning & Statistics

  • Descriptive Statistics
  • Regression, classification, and clusterization algorithms
  • Techniques of data balancing, feature selection, and dimensionality reduction
  • Packages for Machine Learnig: Sklearn, SciPy

Data Visualization

  • Matplotlib, Seaborn, Plotly, Bokeh
  • Tableau

Software Engineering

  • Git, Github, GitLab, Cookiecutter, Virtual Environment, Docker
  • Streamlit, Flask, Python API's
  • Cloud Heroku, AWS, GCP

Member @ Comunidade Data Science

  • Engage in high-level trainings for data scientists
  • Develop skills to solve practical business problems using statistics
  • Produce personal projects using machine learning tools
  • Connect between the students, academics and professionals in the field

Physicist - Research & Development Analyst @ Strata Consultive Engineering

  • Develop studies and technical reports regarding equipment operation/calibration procedures
  • Produce data-driven decision dashboards from raw field data
  • Create metrics to evaluate the performance of workflows
  • Manage the acquisition of new technologies

Scientific Initiation Fellow @ FAPERJ

  • Develop an agent-based statistical-computational model to study Ebola virus outbreaks in the West African region
  • Develop metrics to evaluate the outbreak severeness and how impactful a healthcare intervention could be
  • Use the evaluations to propose best practices to suppress the outbreak

Teaching assistant @ Department of Mathemathics - UFF

  • Monitor the discipline of differential and integral multivariable calculus
  • Awarded with high honour for proposing the top-ranked monitoring project of the department.